External practice
20 years. This project started in 2001.
- Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund (AMIF); - European Union; - Ministry of Inclusion, Social Security and Migrations, Government of Spain.
Reason it was developed
UGT Servicios Públicos, in our commitment to advance in the construction of an education in pursuit of respect and coexistence between different cultures, promotes the Intercultural Classroom project with the interest of facilitating teacher training, didactic materials, research, workshops with the students, awareness campaigns, publications ... We consider that it is a key bet for the present and the future of our society and we believe that it is essential to promote spaces in the network that support reflection, encounters and work in this regard. We trust that among all of us we will be able to make this portal a reference space thanks to the contributions of those of us who face the challenges of integration and intercultural coexistence every day.
Day by day the educational community invests important efforts to face the existing challenges in the classrooms, in that sense, from FeSP-UGT we work to facilitate responses to the needs that arise in such a way that it is possible to guarantee the effective exercise of rights by promoting the following actions that we go on to detail: o Research: in order to design and implement educational actions that respond to existing challenges, research is carried out that will allow an accurate diagnosis of the educational reality. o Teacher training: one of our priorities is to provide teachers with quality training, based on accurate information, tools and materials to promote intercultural education and the prevention of racism in their daily educational practice. o Awareness campaigns: both the teachers and the girls, boys, youth and adults who make up the student body are agents of change for the exercise of the rights of all and all, in coherence with this principle we promote awareness campaigns and direct intervention in the classrooms, in face-to-face or online format, for the prevention of racism and the promotion of intercultural education. o Didactic material: INTERCULTURAL CLASSROOM arises from the need to have quality material in classrooms for the development of a daily educational practice based on interculturality and the prevention of racism. In this sense, we design educational material to work in the classroom in a transversal and specific way. o INTERCULTURAL CLASSROOM on the web: over two decades, INTERCULTURAL CLASSROOM has promoted different work strategies to transform the educational system and guarantee equal opportunities, for which the web and networks have been used so that it has gone created a benchmark in the field of interculturality within the educational community. Open changes, with the capacity for innovation and adaptation to make rights effective. o The INTERCULTURAL CLASSROOM network: the work carried out over these twenty years has allowed us to weave a network of alliances and contacts to reach the classrooms. We collaborate with an extensive network of teachers and organizations that allow us to have a great impact in each of our actions.
The work developed by FeSP-UGT over these twenty years has allowed us to weave a network that achieves important results in the actions it developed and allows us to be a benchmark for teachers Results obtained to understand the impact of the actions: 1. Since 2015, 684 people have participated in Teacher Training: teachers have a great capacity to transform educational centers and guarantee rights, therefore it is essential to invest efforts in guaranteeing quality training. 2. Since 2014. 105 educational centers and more than 11,000 girls and boys in primary, secondary or vocational training have participated in awareness campaigns. In both face-to-face and online formats, we are committed to providing tools for the prevention of racism and the promotion of intercultural education to girls and boys through direct intervention with them. 3. 540 educational materials and tools have been provided to the educational community. With the clear vocation of providing quality material for the development of a daily educational practice based on interculturality and the prevention of racism, we invest important efforts in the development of our materials as well as in recommending materials from other organizations. 4. The AULA INTERCULTURAL community on the web: 2.5 million web visits per year and 18,500 followers on networks thanks to the more than 1,400 annual updates make us a benchmark in intercultural education.
Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund (AMIF) European Union Ministry of Inclusion, Social Security and Migrations. Government of Spain.