Publications & mainstreaming (gender, diversity, …)
Internal practice
The past, present and ongoing.
Reason it was developed
Create publications of the trade union which are representative for the diverse society.
In every publication of the trade union (member magazine, social media, website, …) we try to find a balance in gender and diversity and not be stereotype for pictures, articles, persons we interview, the language we use. Every year we evaluate this.
We have interesting publications and get positive response from members and education stakeholders.
Inclusion in schools/education institutes Inclusion in trade unions Inclusion in emergency situations (e.g. COVID 19, environmental disasters, etc.) Gender pay and pension gap Work-life balance Vertical segregation in the teaching profession Horizontal segregation in the teaching profession Gender equality in decision-making positions in education trade union Gender-based violence and harassment Gender equality linked to wider societal issues (e.g. ageing, migration, political situation, religion) Gender stereotypes Gender equality in the wider labour market Gender-based discrimination Homophobic, biphobic and transphobic bullying and harassment Integration of LGBTI issues in curricula Raising awareness and understanding on LGBTI issues Safe and healthy working environment for LGBTI teachers, academics, and other education personnel Inclusion of LGBTI members in trade union work Inclusion of students with special needs Inclusion of teachers, academics, and other education personnel with special needs Inclusion of members with special needs in trade union work The physical (classroom and school) environment Xenophobia, racism and prejudices Cultural and social attitudes Linguistic barriers Recognition of qualifications Targeted support for students from migrant/refugee background and ethnic minority groups Targeted support for education personnel from migrant/refugee background and ethnic minority groups Inclusion of members from migrant/refugee background and ethnic minority groups in trade union work Integration of culturally sensitive content in curricula Support for education in refugee reception centres Understanding socio-economic disadvantage Supporting students from a disadvantaged socio-economic background