Equality road map
External practice
Ongoing since 2016.
With the civil society, government.
Reason it was developed
OAJ is the only labour market organisation in Finland that protects the interests of education, training and research sector professionals from early childhood education to adult education and training. OAJ is a professional advocate for its members and a key influencer of education policy. In education policy it tries to influence the policy makers.
The union has launched its goals for more equal education in spring 2016 to call for a more strategic approach to ensure equality is reflected in all stages of the education system. The union dispatched the “equality baton” to other stakeholders and got other nine organisations involved. In March 2019, the union handed the baton to political parties with the idea of a “National plan for equal education.”
The key results achieved so far included: • Goals for more equal education -publication; • Wider discussion on equality issues in education and involvement of new cooperation partners (like LGBTI Rights organisations); • Co-operation with research makers – good for the image and professionalism of the trade union itself; • Two good seminars, which led to the policy makers, researchers, media, and other organisations talking and writing about the union’s equality agenda; • Providing policy makers with new ideas – such free early childhood education • Maybe the National Plan for Equal Education and some resources for that will be allocated by the government.
Funded from internal union funds.