ESTUS equality group - study visit in Belgrade
External practice
Between the 7th and 8th of November 2019.
A study visit to the Teachers Union of Serbia (TUS) and to the Elementary School of Branko Pešić in Belgrade – meeting headmaster and other employees, the students. In the ESTUS group there were members of it’s equality group, a researcher from pedagogical institute and also a headteacher of one of the Slovene schools with a lot of students with migrant background.
Reason it was developed
In that time ESTUS was a partner in ETUCE’s project on inclusion of migrant and refugee children in education and decided to organise a concrete action (beyond all the theory) for school in Serbia facing the challenges of providing the quality education for migrant children.
A charity action among trade union members (in June 2019) – to collect some money to help the school in Belgrade buying some teaching supplies for their pupils. A study visit in Belgrade (in November 2019) – in cooperation with Serbian teachers union and meeting Serbian colleagues at Branko Pešić school in Belgrade.
The members of our union responded positively to the charity campaign and in this way expressed their respect and support to the work of the colleagues in Serbia. In that way they confirmed they are aware of the importance of unions in global challenges of modern education and for maintaining the quality of public education (also by linking internationally).
From the founds of trade union’s equality group.