"Women in Power and Decision-making"
Internal practiceDuration
Reason it was developed
Gender equality, setting goals for empowering/promoting women’s leadership for this year.
- Plenary discussion on the following topics: 1. Women's commissions in decision-making structures, 2. The role of women as leaders in education unions in Albania, 3. Good practices of women's involvement in union decision-making - Group Work: Challenges/Recommendations to promote women's involvement in trade unions - Festive dinner to celebrate International Women's Day
- During the discussion, participants highlighted the women's commissions, which are very active in raising the voices and involving women in the decision-making process; diversity and gender perspectives at all levels of the unions bring more outcomes that benefit women but also the entire unit because it brings more members on the board, thus critical thinking, and a comprehensive input. Participation of men and women in all aspects of socioeconomic and political development is a fundamental human right guaranteed by international conventions, treaties, and legal frameworks ratified by the Albanian framework but not fully enforced. - Recommendations: 1. Establishment of a national network with women representatives from both unions to promote women in leadership positions and improve outcomes for women in terms of equal pay for equal work, non-discrimination in employment, work-life balance, and preventing and addressing and addressing workplace violence and harassment. 2. Conduction of Training and capacity building for women to strengthen their skills and knowledge in organizing, communication, public speaking, etc. 3. Outline and implement budgeted activities that promote gender equality in leadership also activities that play an important role in challenging gender roles in the workplace and promoting gender equality in the workplace.
Solidarity Center